Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Like Us...They Battle Diseases Too!

Tuesday night's class wasn't the most pleasant...

We discussed the various types of diseases and pests that may come to harm the "Babies."
After hearing all of this...I started to think...Do I still really want to keep bees?
OMG, so much can happen to them...can I do it? Will they survive?

Well, I decided...YES, I still want to keep bees because I'm not only helping the environment...
  1. I've already made new friends. (Can't get enough of the good ones.)
  2. The honey will enhance Chez Moi cakes. (Especially when I'm able to say..."and you know...I harvested this honey myself...from my Chez Moi Bees."
  3. Eventually, I plan to learn the art of Apitherapy...
  4. I'll have something that God gave to take care of directly since there is such a decline.(kinda like we should be doing anyway...but that's another topic) RECYCLE...oops, that one slipped. lol

I won't bore you with the various diseases and it's not a fun topic.
Just know...when you are purchasing honey at your local farmers' market...
it took a lot for that little container to get there.


How many bees does it take to make a pound of honey?

5300 bees

How many flowers must honey bees tap to make one pound of honey?


Appreciate the craft and the life of a bee!


1 comment:

  1. Nice story why you want to keep bees and likewise how to keep bees. I appreciate your ideas here. This is really good and can help our environment.
