Saturday had been rather warm all day...
I walked up the deck to go in the house...
I could see a shadow at the hive entrance...hmmm...what is that???
I'm used to the Babies being all tucked in when it's dark outside.
Here is the picture I took...
they were so very still...motionless...but alive...kinda...sleeping...
Come to find was just a little too warm inside of the hive...
so they decided to sleep under the stars...
this made me on edge to see what was going on...for fear...
they may be getting a little cramped...
could that be possible? Already?
So ...remember this pic...the empty hive...before installing the Babies...
AND...the brand new foundation...thin sheet of wax which guides them...
WELL...a Bee friend, Christine...
came over to help me put the hive up on pavers...
saw a few picnic ants and didn't want them snooping around the hive.
It has been approximately a week and a half
so I'm "allowed" to finally take a peek!
Took the inner lid off to find the girls have decided to be a little creative
and add some honeycomb on the lid...
" there!"
So...of's gone now...I actually have taken it as a souvenir...
awww, the Babies have made something!!!
So...this is what that little piece of honeycomb was attached too...
See the clump of honeycomb in between these frames?
This picture shows a frame full of honeycomb
and with some of the combs full of NECTAR!!!
I have been reading to find out for sure
when to add the next brood chamber...
I think the answer is NOW!!!
Here are a few pictures of the girls...
playing on the front porch!
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